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Nader (良信电器)

Nader (良信电器)

Nader 良信电器专注于低压电器领域,定位高端低压电气系统解决方案专家,倡导突破性的变革创新

上海Nader 良信电器股份有限公司 是国内低压电器行业高端市场的领先公司之一,是深圳证券交易所上市企业。Nader 良信电器以客户需求驱动研发流程,围绕提升客户价值进行技术的持续创新,为客户提供安全可靠,环保节能的低压电器元器件。Nader 良信电器以 高端低压电气系统解决方案专家 为品牌定位,致力于解决客户的压力和挑战,为客户赢得竞争优势。

Nader 良信电器是“上海市高新技术企业”、上海市“科技小巨人企业”,研发中心被认定为“国家企业技术中心”,检测中心通过CNAS认证及美国UL认证。Nader 良信电器以上海总部为依托,在新能源及工控、能源与基础设施、建筑配电等行业与 艾默生、华为技术、阳光电源、三菱电梯、中国移动、中国联通、万科集团、绿地集团等企业形成了持续稳定的合作关系。

Nader 良信电器注重研发和知识产权保护,截止到2017年12月31日,公司累计申请专利539项,其中发明专利165项;公司拥有有效专利350项,其中发明48项,实用新型240项,外观62项,在行业内居于前列。 

使命、愿景、价值观 是根植于我们内心的核心信念,是我们成长发展的动力源泉,是我们预见未来的精神指引!

致力于人们更安全、便捷、高效地使用电能 是Nader 良信始终坚守的使命。客户需要Nader 良信、购买Nader 良信的产品和服务,只有一个理由,就是Nader 良信的产品和服务能够更好地满足客户的需要,能够给客户带来更多的价值,这也是Nader 良信存在的根本理由。

领导低压电器高端市场,是全体Nader 良信人的共同愿景,是Nader 良信长期战略的本质追求,也是Nader 良信对社会和客户的庄严承诺,我们将矢志坚守,决不动摇!

客户导向是Nader 良信的立足之本。我们的一切市场活动、生产活动都必须符合BTOB营销的本质,围绕着“满足客户的真实需求、为客户解决困难和痛点”而展开。

专注低压电器领域是Nader 良信的必然选择。我们的核心能力、专业实力、行业地位和市场沉淀使我们能够在这个领域成长壮大,低压电器行业的未来发展趋势、市场容量为我们提供了足够大的舞台,国家的产业政策、一带一路、城市化和新市场需求为我们创造了巨大的增长空间。

目标集聚战略是Nader 良信发展的不二法宝。Nader 良信坚持聚焦细分市场开发、聚焦产品能力提升、聚焦自身实力修炼,聚焦持续投入和变革,正是聚焦成就了今天的Nader 良信。

高端低压电气系统解决方案专家是Nader 良信坚持的品牌定位。华为、万科、国家电网、中国移动、中国核电、阳光、金风等众多高端客户的应用实践、认可和要求,将成为Nader 良信品牌成长的源动力,Nader 良信人定将兢兢业业、精益求精,不敢稍有懈怠。

变革创新,追求梦想是Nader 良信与生俱来的基因。组织创新、智库思维和IT工具的引进内化,智能化工厂、国家级企业技术中心,覆盖低压电器全部试验检测的试验中心,完备的研发、营销、生产制造能力,上市公司的广阔平台,使Nader 良信实现 “以本土企业的成本,提供跨国公司质量水平的产品和服务”目标的信心更加坚定、步伐更加豪迈。

Nader 良信电器工业园一期拥有 40000 平方米,拥有配电、终端、工控、电子、中试、关键工艺等完备的现代化车间。多年来,先后引进 20余条 先进的自动化装配检测生产线,涵盖 121 个系列 3500个 常规品种、20000个 非常规品种,年生产能力超过 7200万 台。

Nader 良信电器采用标准化和定制化的混合生产模式,专注核心工艺与过程管理,持续推行精益生产、信息化管理、生产自动化、人员专业化的理念,保持关键岗位人员稳定,持续提升产品过程质量控制和生产管理水平,追求零缺陷,提供优质的产品。

Nader 良信电器通过条码管理信息系统、设备智能联网与ERP无缝对接,实时监控,实时响应,实现生产过程信息可追溯,满足客户需求,更好地服务客户。

Shanghai Liangxin Electrical Co., Ltd. (Nader) is one of the leading companies in China's high-end low-voltage apparatus industry, a company listed at Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Our company drives R&D by customer demands, carries out continuous technology innovation based on customer value improvement, and provides customers with safe, reliable, environment-friendly, energy-saving low-voltage electrical components. Our brand positioning is a high-end low-voltage electrical system solution expert. We are committed to help customers solve pressure and challenges, winning competitive advantage for customers.

Our company is a “High and New Technology Enterprise of Shanghai”,“Little Giant Technology Enterprise of Shanghai". Our R&D Center is a “National Enterprise Technology Center". Our Testing Center has earned CNAS and US UL recognized. Relying on our headquarters in Shanghai, we have formed lasting stable partnerships with  Emerson, Huawei, Sungrow, Mitsubishi Electric, China Mobile, China Unicom, Vanke and Greenland in new energy, industrial control, energy, infrastructure and building power distribution industries.

Our mission, vision and values are beliefs that have taken root in our heart, the source of power for our growth and development, the spiritual guide that leads us to foresee the future!

It’s our mission to let people use electricity more safely, conveniently, efficiently. Nader always sticks to it. Customers need Nader, buy Nader’s products and services only for one reason. The reason is Nader’s products and services can meet their needs better, can bring them more value. This is also the fundamental reason for Nader’s existence.

To lead the high-end low-voltage apparatus market is all Nader employees’ common vision, the basic pursuit of Nader’s long-term strategy, as well as Nader’s solemn commitment to our society and customers. We will adhere to it forever!
The customer-centric orientation is Nader’s foothold. All our market activities and production activities must abide by the nature of BTOB marketing, to “meet customers’ real needs, solve customers’ problems and pain spots””.

Nader Electrical Industry Park’s first stage is  40000 ㎡,as complete modern workshops, including power distribution, terminal, industrial control, electronics, preproduction, key technology, etc. Over years, we have introduced more than  20 advanced automatic assembly and inspection lines. 121 series 3500个 conventional types20000 unconventional and 72 million pieces.

We adopt a mixed production model, provide both standard and customized products. We focus on core technology and process management,keep promoting ideaslike lean productions, information-based management, production automation, personnel specialization, maintain our staff on key positions stable, constantly enhance our product process quality control and production management level, pursue zero defect and provide high-quality products.

Through the bar cod management information system, equipment intelligent networking and ERP seamless connection, we carry out real-time monitoring and real-time response, make our production process information traceable, to meet customer demands and serve them better.

显示全部Datasheet产品规格书    官网:www.sh-liangxin.com












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